Dear Friends, On April 29th I sent a letter to all of the EC Community members via Blind Carbon Email. Everybody who is a Contributor received the identical, same letter. I have received an emotional outpouring from the members as a result of that letter. I apologize that it hurt your feelings or upset you. I do NOT apologize for what I wrote because I think that it needed to be said. Community-building is hard work. It's tough. It's not easy to do. Let's find solutions together. I am going to paste the text of my letter below and I will give you an opportunity to comment freely. Just keep it as civil as possible, and keep it constructive! tell me what you think and let's work it out. Okay? Hello EC Community Contributors and Participants,
I will not accept any new contributors to the EC Community unless I am convinced that the prospective contributor will actually participate in the Community beyond just submitting articles. Participation by the current group of EC Contributors is poor and inconsistent. By participation I mean taking an interest in the articles by the other contributors. For EC to survive it is necessary for you to read the articles by your fellow EC members and provide feedback in the form of Comments on the articles. - It is my feeling that EC is redundant. 43 of 55 EC Contributors are active in social media on Facebook. These people (including myself) continue to use Facebook, in spite of its obvious drawbacks and negatives, because it is more immediate and easier to use than EC. - Many of you have written to me saying that you are too busy with other things to be able to participate actively at EC. Believe me when I say that I have more than enough to keep me busy with my own creative projects! If you as a group are not able to participate more actively and consistently I will not be sufficiently motivated to continue the Electronic Cottage website. It could very well be possible that EC is not necessary, and I am willing to accept that. I am going to give this matter consideration until September, and I will then make a decision about whether to continue. Do not flood me with a bunch of new articles! Take the time to read what is already at EC, and make Comments. |
Electronic Cottage