I have received some AWESOME mail art this past month and wanted to share it. There are postcards here from Rafael González, Dylan Houser, Rick Groshong, Scott Kindberg, and Gina Newman. I love coming home from a long day and finding treasures like these in my mailbox, some of which have traveled from a great distance. When I make mail art it is not with the intention of receiving mail art from others, but when you do it really feels magical. I know I am sappy and silly, but the effort taken in to create each of these miniature masterpieces inspires me a little. above: Rafael González below: Dylan Houser above: Rick Groshong below: Scott Kindberg above: Scott Kindberg below: Gina Newman
Jeremiah PaddockI got into experimental music through my grandparents. My grandfather exposed me to jazz at an early age. A gift of a book with articles about John Cage and Archives
March 2019