Announcing an official Electronic Cottage Audio Project is now complete!
The Electronic Cottage Audio Exquisite Corpse is a collectively-created continuous audio collage 45 minutes in duration consisting of contributions by 20 Electronic Cottage Community members, each of whom composed a short audio segment (of no more than three minutes) in reaction to a brief 15-second audio sample from the previous participant in the continuous serial audio stream.
contributors in sequential order:
1. Hal McGee — Food For Thought 2. Juan Angel Italiano — Concretismo 3. {AN} EeL — Portable Effluvium 4. Girls On Fire (Leslie Singer) — Take It Back 5. Frank — Take 2 6. Lumen K — The First Table 7. osvaldo cibils — soundart25september2018elartedelasperillas 8. Crank Sturgeon — (h) Awl-type latter C, impt 9. The Joke Project (Seiei Jack) — FACELOOK 10. Lord Litter — dreamstate 11. Jeremiah Paddock — One Missed Call 12. Francesco Aprile — Second Zen poem 13. Mike Nobody — untitled 14. Rafael González — Writing errors 15. W.A.Davison — Internal Monologue Of A Fried Egg 16. Dave Fuglewicz — Running A Red Light 17. homogenized terrestrials (Phillip Klampe) — unlocking fendor’s lantern 18. Penny Grune-Fae — "sometimes, it's okay to eat your friends" 19. David Nadeau — Sublime Contradictions (Invisible Files) 20. Fiver’s Stereo (Shatter Wax) — Winter Sky
Editor's Note:
Any EC Community member or close friend and associate can request a free Bandcamp download code. Send an email to me to request your free code. After Christmas I will mail to all participants a complimentary CDR version of the ECEC! Non-participants can purchase a CDR for $8 postage paid worldwide.
consequences slideshow random sequence miniature artworks electronic cottage
wtf exquisite corpse contributors continuous parlour game consequences
The Electronic Cottage Audio Exquisite Corpse draws inspiration from the surrealist parlour game cadavre exquis, in which the players add a drawing or phrase to a piece of paper and then fold the paper obscuring most of the image or words with only a hint to inspire the next player who then adds their image or words. The paper is passed among all of the players until the paper is finally unfolded and a collectively-generated image or poem is revealed or dis-covered through chance, subconscious collaboration and pure psychic automatism.
— The Old Bean Himself
electronic cottage audio exquisite corpse collectively assembled multi participant collaborative continuous audio collage revealing technique invented surrealist wtf similar old parlour game called consequences itself sequentially unidentified outcome consisting contributions electronic cottage community members reacted short audio sample previous unidentified participant sequence electronic cottage audio exquisite corpse collectively assembled multi collaborative audio collage revealing itself technique invented wtf surrealist similar old parlour game called continuous consequences sequentially consisting contributions electronic cottage community members reacted short audio sample previous unidentified audio wtf game participant assembled audio outcome community wtf parlour consequences
Rafael González
12/15/2018 15:50:13
I fall in love! Listening to ECAEC right now!
Rafael González
12/16/2018 06:08:12
Hal, thank you very much for all your effort and work well done!
12/15/2018 16:22:31
Wow!! Just what the dr ordered.. Soo fun!! I am going to have to listen to this a few times through. Great job everybody.
Phillip Klampe
12/15/2018 21:29:52
Thoroughly enjoyed all of the tracks and how they evolved. It's hard to imagine a compilation this good being purposefully put together. Great idea with outstanding results.
Leslie Singer
12/15/2018 21:57:33
C’est magnifique!!!
12/15/2018 22:28:03
Great stuff! Congrats to everyone involved and many thanks to Hal for putting this together!
12/15/2018 22:50:45
Great project Hal! Thanks for having me on board and great job all of you! A good test for my new headphones.(now, I got some 'listening' catching up to do.
12/16/2018 06:54:06
Thanks to all of you for your comments and for your participation! Your contributions made it great!
Juan Angel Italiano
12/16/2018 07:36:14
¡Fá! Excelente ¡que vivan los compañeros! Long live the comrades!
12/16/2018 21:34:02
What a great effort & nice final result - A pleasure to be included
Hal McGee
12/17/2018 01:25:40
I think it turned out quite well! Thanks to all of you! After Christmas I will mail one CDR hard copy to each of the participants.
osvaldo cibils
12/17/2018 05:04:47
Muy bueno, Hal McGee! Muy buenas cosas para ver y escuchar!!
Chris Phinney
12/17/2018 08:47:32
Lumen K
12/17/2018 12:13:58
What an amazing aural odyssey! It is a privilege to be a part of the ECAEC! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to (and viewing) the final results.
Dylan Houser
12/17/2018 17:48:04
I think one of the first things I did with Hal McGee was Ann audio exquisite corpse...back in 2011 I think???
Hal McGee
12/17/2018 18:24:32
Indeed! You were on Exquisite Corpse Audio Chain Letter #108 — — Exquisite Corpse Audio Chain Letter 108 (8:34, 7.9 MB, 128 kbps mp3)
Adam J Naworal
12/18/2018 01:47:04
Excellent work, all!
Adam J Naworal
12/18/2018 01:47:21
Excellent work, everyone!
Hal McGee, EC Editor
12/19/2018 01:34:40
This post is now available as a PDF, including all of the pictures, but not the slideshow. Email me if you would like to receive a PDF.
12/19/2018 11:34:49
Woah.... What a trip!!! Perhaps noting the start time of the individual pieces would be helpful in case the listener loses track along the way. Such a versatile and entertaining piece(s) of sound/visual art(s).
Hal McGee
12/21/2018 13:47:08
At first I was tempted to try to list approximate start points of each contributor's parts, but now I am not even sure that I know where those points are! Additionally, I would like to point out that this is a collectively-created audiowork. It is not a compilation in the usual sense. Everybody that contributed to the EC Exquisite Corpse owns it! It's all yours! It all belongs to all of you! So, my suggestion is to NOT try to try to keep track of where and when each contributor's part(s) start(s), but to experience it as a whole, complete, continuous composition that we all created together.
Hal McGee, EC Editor
12/21/2018 13:41:26
I have been busy the last two days, yesterday and today, creating the CDR version of the EC Exquisite Corpse. The CDR will come packaged inside a plastic slipcase with multiple color panels featuring the artworks by the contributors, plus info on the project, all printed at home with my very nice Canon photo printer. Because the CDR and its accompaniments are flat I will be able to mail these at postal letter rates fairly inexpensively: $0.92 each in the USA, $1.36 each to the three Canadian contributors, and $2.34 each to the overseas contributors. This morning I mailed the first five contributor copies to overseas destinations, and over the next several days I will mail the other 15 contributor CDR copies.
Leslie Singer
12/26/2018 18:11:49
Hal, Thank you for all your hard work in making the CDRs, covers and doing the shipping. Much appreciated!
Hal McGee
12/27/2018 00:20:31
It is my pleasure, Leslie. The CDR and accompanying artwork panels look very nice, but also homemade. Very simple, yet effective. I will mail yours to you today (Thursday).
Rafael González
12/27/2018 03:43:33
Leslie is right! Hal, Thank you very much for your enormous effort, It’s awesome
12/28/2018 09:34:22
I’m loving the artwork & will spend the morning listening to
12/29/2018 07:58:15
5 am, just got a chance to kick back & listen. This is a fantastic idea & enjoyable audio compilation. Takes you through sounds from other galaxies & on to sonic distortions right here on earth.......& back again. Definitely moments of transport & instant mind opening meditations.
Hal McGee
12/30/2018 00:46:09
Ricardo, thanks for listening to the EC Audio Exquisite Corpse and giving it the deep-dive listen! We all appreciate it!
Rafael González
12/30/2018 04:47:48
Hal McGee
12/30/2018 00:51:06
Yesterday I finished mailing CDR copies to all of the participants. I hope that all of you will receive yours soon!
Rafael González
12/30/2018 04:47:08
Thank you very much, Hal!
Dylan Houser
1/4/2019 13:49:59
I was listening to WFMU at work last night and they played the EC EC! I was pleasantly surprised to hear him say "the Electronic Cottage Exquisite Corpse."
Ryan Boyd
1/9/2019 11:29:22
I’ve listened to this piece twice and planning on a third go today. Great exquisite corpse collage work!
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Electronic Cottage