Here is a file that I found on a hard drive. It is about the digitization of a cassette that I made and sent in 2011 to Mute Sound (Pedro Bericat), not having any copy of it, being an "exclusive" cassette for Pedro Bericat and his collaborators, who used it to make the video that accompanies this article. This Mute Sound Tape was made under the name i.q.c.m., one of my old sound and visual projects (especially Mail Art) in the 90’s. Normally it was written I.Q.C.M. (with or without dots) ignoring the psychological reasons for using lowercase letters... ... perhaps this was due to the fact that as I got older, my arrogance decreased in contrast (a very common fact in almost all human beings, I think). The sound is based on the manipulation of CD-R’s, which contained previously recorded sounds made with virtual synthesizers, cassette manipulation and radio sounds, using a simple tape recorder to make the cassette.
2011 was an especially important year for me as I met, digitally, two people who have greatly influenced my life in a very positive way: Hal McGee (USA) and Neda Mehrjoo (Iran), to whom I dedicate this publication.
There is not much to say. This is a video made by Markus Breuss and myself. Markus plays trumpet and shortwave transistor radio here. The main idea of this post is to learn how to use this and I understand that a useful way to do it is to try to do this article. I can also take the opportunity to inform who Markus Breuss is for those who do not know him. In this way I will try to add a link. Let's go to it! Markus Breuss on Wikipedia: I get the impression that this is going quite well. Now I'm going to add the address of Markus's website: Continuing with the intention of learning to publish in Electronic Cottage, I add two Bandcamp links to two of Markus' old musical projects: Clónicos and Faktor Bossar: And to finish this test, I will upload the video without further delay. I hope you like it. |