In Knížákrama Juan Angel Italiano follows in the footsteps of Czech artist Milan Knížák and his "Broken music" of the mid-sixties. On manually-altered surfaces in vinyl discs by means of stamping and pyrography or using old dubplats, aluminum discs coated with a lacquer of nitrocellulose acetate, cracked, and with the unmistakable white powder produced by the acidification of the lacquer with the metal. The reproduction in an IZU tray, manually, allows to obtain new unexpected sounds. The changes of speed, the recoil, the blows or the alteration in the path of the tine, allow a first analog record, which then, in turn, is reprocessed by means of digital software, trying beyond remixing, maintaining that characteristic modulation of rubbing the stylus in the grooves.
Recorded in: "labOratorio" in August 2013 Juan Angel Italiano in audio recording and editing.
En Knížákrama Juan Angel Italiano va tras los pasos de checo Milan Knížák y sus “Broken music” de mediados de los sesentas. Sobre superficies alteradas manualmente en discos de vinilo por medio del calado y el pirograbado o utilizando viejos dubplats, discos de aluminio recubiertos de una laca de acetato de nitrocelulosa, cascados, ya con el inconfundible polvo blanco producido por la acidificación de la laca con el metal. La reproducción en una bandeja IZU, de forma manual, permite obtener nuevas sonoridades inesperadas. Los cambios de velocidad, el retroceso, los golpes o la alteración en el recorrido de la púa, permiten un primer registro analógico, que luego a su vez, es reprocesado por medio de sofware digital, intentando más allá del remixado, mantener esa modulación caracteristica del frotado del zafiro sobre los surcos.
6/27/2018 17:08:22
Literally: Groovy.
Juan Angel Italiano
8/4/2018 16:41:09
Oh good, all the references that I have found, they write in this way the surname of the Romanian: Knížák
Juan Angel Italiano
8/4/2018 16:56:39
And yes, Marclay is fabulous!
6/27/2018 23:51:31
Figuratively: Kroovy
Juan Angel Italiano
8/4/2018 16:42:35
Look out!
Chris Phinney
6/28/2018 22:04:57
Reminds me hands to who took flexis cut em up
Chris Phinney
6/29/2018 07:42:29
That should have read AMK -White Hand
Rafael González
7/1/2018 16:52:10
Of course, I love it! Thank you very much for show it.
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Juan Angel Italiano(1965, Uruguay) Archives
August 2019