The show will be streamed / aired throughout SEPTEMBER 2018 by Radio Marabu several times (incl. new Radio Marabu shortwave frequency!) but is already available via - here is the link - you can spread if you like - the show will be on *forever*... Introduction / Einleitung Germany is one step closer to a fascistic future - three days ago, with the help of Facebook, hordes of Nazis gathered in the streets of a German town (Chemnitz) to chase foreigners, the police were overwhelmed - this a next step of brutalization of our society. And (as usual) no one of the people in charge really does something - just like in a horror movie we're running into our catastrophe .. with open eyes. Die Einleitung diesmal? Tja - in Deutschland, verabredet über Facebook, ist (wieder) der braune Mob auf den Straßen und jagt alle die *anders* aussehen - begleitet von ziemlich hilfloser Polizei rutschen wir (wieder) in eine Zeit die jetzt schon katastrophales Potential zeigt...und wie gewohnt reagiert kein Verantwortlicher wirklich ... ich vermisse einen ultimativen Aufschrei - auch gerade von *Künstlern* ..aber wichtiger ist ja wohl ob das neue Selfie genügend geliked wird .. LL August 28, 2018 1. Ken Elkinson - A Day In The Life - CD - Beatles Spa Day 2. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - I hear a new world 3. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - The Bulplight 2/3 from CD - I hear a new world, a stereo fantasy, composed and devised by Joe Meek - 4. Leni Stern with Mamadou Ba & Alioune Faye - Spell - new release - 3 5. Chad Elliot - Cadillac Problems, Buick Times - CD - Rest Heavy, The Sun Studio Sessions - 6. Beat Kaestli feat. Clarice Assad - Comme en plein reve - CD - Collage 7. Katie Anne Mitchell - Wind and the Rain - double CD - The Many Lives of Mockingbird - >> ELECTRONIC COTTAGE ..........compilation............... 8. Phillip Klampe - Merlin's Gesture 9. Ditlev Buster - Welcome to the EC compilation 8/9 from CD - Electronic Cottage Compilation 004 > ELECTRONIC COTTAGE - alternative international community dedicated to homemade & DIY experimental art and music, Cassette Culture, Mail Art and zines - > Electronic Cottage Magazine Issue One April 1989 (download) https://archiveorg/details/ElectronicCottageMagazineIssueOneApril1989 10. The NoMen - Rainbows - CD -"the pain of jazz" 11. Jamie & Steve - In a little Tango - CD - Sub Textural 12. Turbolenz - Sonnenstrahlen - single -
13. The Chemistry Set - Lovely Cuppa Tea - single 14. Garfield's Birthday - Radio - CD - You are here 15. Mondo Jet Set - It's a Lie - CD - Girl Action 14/15 16. Trip To Maas - Fuer Dich - from forthcoming CD - wanna get in touch? Write to me! I no longer spread Facebook links..
on air / online AUGUST 17 / 6 PM at KWTF
KWTF broadcasting from Bodega Bay, California, USA at 88.1 FM after broadcast now available (*for ever*) at another show that presents Electronic Cottage Compilation 004
1. Turbolenz - Sonnenstrahlen - single -
2. Trip To Maas - Fuer Dich - from forthcomming CD - wanna get in touch? Write to me! I no longer spread facebook links 3. Stuart Hollinger - Not Once - CD - Eklectic - 4. The Inexperinced - No Yeah - CD - Too Inexperienced http://www.pinkhedgehog 5. Jamie & Steve - 410 - CD - Sub Textural - >> SPECIAL .... Leni Stern with Mamadou Ba & Alioune Faye 6. Leni Stern with Mamadou Ba & Alioune Faye - Spell 7. Leni Stern with Mamadou Ba & Alioune Faye - Barambai 6/7 new release - 3 -
>> SPECIAL ... Katie Anne Mitchell
8. Katie Anne Mitchell - Self Made on this song: Lead Vocals, guitar and written by Rebekah LeAnn Wiggins 9. Katie Anne Mitchell - Chapter 2 8/9 from double CD - The Many Lives of Mockingbird >> ELECTRONIC COTTAGE ..........compilation............... 10. John M. Bennett - ILB'AL Iniquity! I had to cut one *F* word but because John M. Bennett's work is not based upon *F* words I thought it was ok. The alternative would've been to not play the track. 11. John Wiggins - JAN Zoom Samples String (2018) 10/11 from CD - Electronic Cottage Compilation 004 - > ELECTRONIC COTTAGE - alternative international community dedicated to homemade & DIY experimental art and music, Cassette Culture, Mail Art and zines - > Electronic Cottage Magazine Issue One April 1989 (download) 12. Levente - Karl Friedrich Schinkel / Cathedral Towering over a Town - CD - Lost Works - 13. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - I hear a new world 14. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - Orbit around the Moon 13/14 from CD - I hear a new world, a stereo fantasy, composed and devised by Joe Meek - 15. Chad Elliot - St.James Infirmary - CD - Rest Heavy, The Sun Studio Sessions - Lord Litter: How *feels* life in Jacksonville Florida these days? I'm asking because life became kinda miserable in Berlin recently. I LOVED to live here before they turned the city into a money making maelstrom where too many people are in danger of being attacked just because they are *different* .. like black, gay, Muslim, Jew, homeless, woman ..whatever. Adam- Jacksonville is a complicated place. There's a lot of nice people, beautiful scenery, interesting museums, etc., but it's also becoming VERY gentrified. The formerly exciting and somewhat scary Five Points district in particular has become less a place for weirdos to congregate and more of a hipster's dream. As for the politics, they're about fifty-fifty. We have an unfortunate hard right-wing presence but we also have a lot of good folks willing to fight against such disgusting things. LL: Making underground *culture* do you think it's important for Planet Earth? - I know this probably sounds kinda silly - I just sometimes imagine if no one would make *different* culture, what would happen to Planet Earth? Adam- I think it is! Not everyone can get into Top 40 stuff that we're told is the hot new thing. I think underground culture promotes understanding and creativity across all lines. I also think being in touch with others who feel strongly about humanistic and sociological concerns helps to foster an air of defiance at the racism, sexism, etc. that's contaminating societies worldwide. EC is one of the best examples of that in my humblest of opinions, for here I am, getting interviewed by Lord Litter, something I never dreamed would happen! LL: Do you listen to what could be defined as *conventional music* - and if so to what/whom?
Adam- I suppose "conventional" is in the ear of the listener, but I do have a soft spot for the Ramones, the Saints, Cub, and other less experimental branches of punk and indie pop I've also been known to listen to more traditional jazz and classical. Overall though, I feel a great song is exactly that regardless of genre, accessibility, etc. LL: What raised your interest in *different sounds/music*? Adam- In high school I got into the more mainstream side of industrial music (nine inch nails, KMFDM, Skinny Puppy, etc.). From there I discovered Throbbing Gristle and SPK and (to my later chagrin) Boyd Rice/NON. RE/Search's Industrial Culture Handbook further introduced me to Cabaret Voltaire and the much more obscure Z'EV, Johanna Went, and R&N. Also around high school I discovered black metal and grindcore, which I saw at the time as metal and hardcore taken to their furthest limits, and what the US and UK press refer to as "krautrock", from where I went to other less-mainstream prog and psych Naked City got me into free jazz, a genre that to these ears is similar to early industrial music. Once I discovered the Nurse With Wound list in college, my future as a fan of odder music was sealed! LL: What brought you in touch with the *underground*? Adam- My first encounters with the tape trading scene was through grindcore and industrial. Around the late Nineties-early '00s there were still a lot of distros that kept the spirit alive, and I got to hear a lot of new sounds while also getting to trade things I enjoyed with like-minded individuals. I first started performing experimental music at the late great +SoLo in Jacksonville circa 2012. Once I met Aimee I realized I had found the perfect partner for such endeavors. LL: Do you have other interests besides *underground culture/music*? In your mail you talked about:" volunteer at the museum with Aimee". Adam- Of course! I also enjoy reading books on various topics (everything from splatter movie reference guides to collections of odd facts, with the occasional novels, short story collections, and art books thrown in) and a wide variety of movies (low-brow splatter trash to high art films). I have always loved hiking and visiting museums as well. We volunteer about once a month at the Mandarin Museum in Jacksonville. It's nice being able to share my love of history and local lore with visitors! Also, from time to time, I've been known to play tennis, though I'm VERY rusty compared to when I was in high school. LL: The more I look at what is going on at the moment the more I think artists need point out what they think is NOT ok at the moment. Artists from the 1960s to the 1980s more or less always pointed out what they thought was NOT ok .. all this fell very much asleep I think - any thoughts on this? Adam- I agree completely! Artists should feel the freedom to express their views in their art. After all, if a so-called fan of yours ends up getting offended at your anti-Nazi art, did you really want them as a fan to begin with? Expressing your views through your art is a perfect way to separate the wheat from the chaff, while potentially winning new fans who agree with your outlook. LL: What gave you the idea to interview each other (which I think is a very good move to do something *different* and new!)? Adam- Honestly, Ditlev and I had writer's block at the same time, and the mutual interview was my suggestion to cure it. It worked! I then got to thinking about things said by others (yourself included!) on EC re: Facebook culture and how it doesn't REALLY give any insight into the person behind the posts. I felt that all of us talking to each other and asking questions of each other would foster an even tighter community. I hope everyone likes the idea!
on air AUGUST 10 / 6 PM at KWTF
after broadcast now available (*for ever*) at another show that presents Electronic Cottage compilation 004
1. Fast Cars - California Dawning - colored vinyl single / A_side
- 2. Cary Grace - Limelight - CD - Tygerland - 3. Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - Long Song Of The Saroos band: - CD - "a gathering of the fish" an exclusive & free compilation CD for Fruits de Mer Records' club members - >>> SPECIAL...Electronic Cottage...back again! 4. Eduardo GOZNE - The Great Flood (Genesis 7.12) 5 Aimee Grace Naworal - Haint Blue 6. Jeff Central - HAL No 4-6 from CD - Electronic Cottage Compilation 004 - > ELECTRONIC COTTAGE - alternative international community dedicated to homemade & DIY experimental art and music, Cassette Culture, Mail Art and zines - > Electronic Cottage Magazine Issue One April 1989 (download) 7. nheap - two types of awakening - cd - flying in silence - 8. Levente - Johannes Vermeer / The Concert - CD - Lost Works -
9. Dan Droid - ABD - CD - Liberated -
10. Anton Barbeau - 8x A Lady - CD - Antronica 2 - 11. Dorninger - Dead Zone - CD - 8K - 12. One Foot In The Groove - Groove 3 - CD - Grooves 1-12 - if you want to get in touch, write to me! 13. Chawa Lilith - Poor Boy 14. Chawa Lilith - Son of the Moon 13/14 from CD - Persian Prince -
I watched the video of Wolfgang Dorninger's lecture on the cassette culture, which was part of the Cassette Culture Node Linz exhibition in June/July 2018. It is in German language, so I guess many of you can't enjoy it. This is a real shame because it is an extremely well researched, analysed and presented look at this era of Earth's culture.
Editor's Note: Some people viewing this page on smartphones might not be able to see the embedded video player above. Click on the video of Wolfgang's lecture link above. Even if you cannot understand the German language you should watch the video any way because it contains many great images from the Cassette Culture Node Linz exhibit.
I was part of this era but now hearing the facts being presented in such a well structured way definitely brought some new insight.
Some main basics changed completely since then and thus everything changed. A main statement in Wolfgang's lecture is:" If absolutely everything becomes easy, there is no more output of value." More or less everything in the underground of those decades was created from scratch - own basic ideas were inalienable if you wanted to create, record, paint, write etc. Today everything starts with a program that already defines many basics. The worst are *apps*, where people no longer know/understand what they are doing, what is going on, the app does it all for you. Those apps define your life. "Yeah but.." Yes there is sure always a *but* - I just want to talk about a reality we're living in. When I started using the internet almost every website of artists I visited was a unique creation - often a unity with the released material, whether Pop CD or harsh undergound tape.. Today all websites look alike. And you basically don't exist if you're not on Facebook/Twitter. What a loss of creation. Which leads to the aspect of communication. Wolfgang has a very detailed part in his lecture explaining how communication did work in those days. What it did to oneself, to the process of working, developing, thinking(!) etc. He talked about 3 paged letters with detailed reviews and opinions, about the continuous flow of thinking, writing, sending tapes. (I heard the same from Darrell Draeger of Hermanos Guzanos, who came from a completely different part of the cassette culture, he talks of 4 paged handwritten letters with teeny tiny writing.) A worldwide tight network of deep thought and exchange. Today all this is more or less down to a *click* and a *I like*. What a loss of thought and inspiration. Almost every release I remember from those days had a unique approach, in sound and production. whether guitarband or soundscape musician - almost every participant was individual! That was based on A) the simple fact that the recording means needed to be approached in a clever way to get your own 100% out of them (how to avoid hiss, how to boost 4 tracks to 12, etc) - and B) the idea of being *different* was part of the attitude. "I don't want to be like *Joe Walsh* I know there is a different way to play this kind of music - I am not one of them." Today if one has a laptop, a simple studio program and several samples, one can *create* something that sounds like a *big* studio production. And too many want to sound like *Joe Walsh* today - so I get *Joe Walsh* clones 'till it hurts for airplay - all with super shiny newletters and guest musicians that already played with this or that *star*. Too many act like being part of a major music scene - in fact many aspects that made me flee the *music scene* in the 1980s are now a part of the *indie underground*. I would like to put some real emphasis upon the fact, that in the past I always had the impression that there really was a will to "do something, go somewhere, change something, be part of a cultural revolution". I guess this was part of the culture in those days. If you created some very harsh shocking noise in these years and made some unconventional statements that was enough to be really *different* and push culture! ... today? Today I have to admit I often get the impression everybody is sitting comfortably and playing the music / making the sound they like ... and that's it - a nice little world where all is fine - I'll post it and then collect likes.. Combined with the narcissism that became part of today's culture this is often pretty unpleasant .. to say the least. I heard an interview with a long working Berlin photographer who said when being asked about differences between now and then that today everybody walks about as if being photographed / filmed all the time .. *noone* acts natural anymore - everybody is a little *star*. Well - selfies and smart phone movies created a new breed of clone. What did *Social Media* do to in-depth culture pushing communication? What is behind the *I like*? Why do you like? what exactly do you like? How do you like? Can you still go deeper? If so, why don't you do so? Do you still have more words? If so, why don't you use them? This way of communication is paralysing and dulling .. and yes .. all this came to my mind listening to Wolfgang Dorninger's lecture about a time and a scene that was really different... I was there and it all came back with a BANG. I think that we as artists need to look for *different* ways.
on air AUGUST 3 / 6 PM at KWTF after broadcast now available (*for ever*) at another show that presents Electronic Cottage compilation 004
1. Ken Elkinson - A Day in a Life - CD - beatles spa day, Volume 1 - 2. Miserable Les - Temptation - CD - 7 Deadly Songs - wanna get in touch? Write to me. 3. Wilson - Silver Lining - CD - Old School, New Rules 4. Mickey Stephens & Poor Blue - Childhood - CD - Wasteground - in depth article about Mickey Stephens' background since the 1970s: 5. Nathan Hall & The Sinister Locals - Tunguska Tydfil - LP / CD Tunguska Tydfil 6. John Howard - Siblings - CD - Storeys - >>> SPECIAL...Electronic Cottage...back again! 7. Don Campau - Too Hot For Hands - 8. Frank - That's how I would like to be remembered 9. Juan Angel Italiano - Barrio Tassano 7-9 from CD - Electronic Cottage Compilation 004 > ELECTRONIC COTTAGE - alternative international community dedicated to homemade & DIY experimental art and music, Cassette Culture, Mail Art and zines - 10. Don Campau - disclaimer #1 - CD - Disclaimer - 11. Xposed 4Heads - Ladies and 4Heads 12. Xposed 4Heads - Choose to be Human 12/12 from CD - Choose to be Human - 13. Ward of Cause - Hipster Plate 14. Ward of Cause - A kind Word (excerpt) 13/14 from CD - Antinomy - |
Lord Litterrenegade of culture Archives
December 2019