the show was on daily rotation via radio On Berlin throughout september 2018 and is now available *forever* from ...The *I HEAR A NEW WORLD* Special...
1. Joe Meek - Glob Waterfall
2. Joe Meek - Magnetic Field (excerpt) 1/2 CD, special edition, enhanced CD - I hear a new world - 3. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - Valley Of The Saroos 4. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - I hear a new world 5. The NoMen with the Blue Giant Zeta Puppies - The Builblight 3-5 from CD - I hear a new world, a stereo fantasy, composed and devised by Joe Meek -
6. The NoMen - The Pain of Jazz
7. The NoMen - Spontanous Baby 8. The NoMen - Middle Class Blues 9. The NoMen - Black is Black 6-9 CD - The Pain of Jazz -
10. Katie Anne Mitchell - Chapter 1: Origins
11. Katie Anne Mitchell - Goodbeye Eddie 10/11 double CD - The Many Lives of Mockingbird - Lord Litter's in depth interview with Katie Anne Mitchell, Singer-songwriter/ Storyteller/actress: “As one fan describes on watching her perform at Folk Alliance International that watching her is like watching the musical “Theatre of the Absurd”. >> Gen Ken Montgomery explains in-depth about the *Twenty-Seven Years Later* Cassette release 12. Gaston Bertin 13. Tom Dimuzio 14. David Lee Myers 15. Charles Goff III 16. Bill Buchen/Sonic Architecture 17. Mariano Airadli 18. Mark Lane 19. Small Cruel Party 20. AMK 12-19 word messages, 20 Sound from MC *Twenty-Seven Years Later - >> ELECTRONIC COTTAGE .........compilation............... 21. Ditlev Buster - Welcome to the EC compilation 22. Don Campau - Too Hot for Hands 23. Walls of Genius - Escape of the Madman 34. Swami Loopynanda - Twisted in Space 35. Ken Montgomery - Kisses 36. Chris Phinney - Slap Shot 37. Hal McGee - microcassette assemblage for Electronic Cottage > ELECTRONIC COTTAGE - alternative international community dedicated to homemade & DIY experimental art and music, Cassette Culture, Mail Art and zines - > Electronic Cottage Magazine Issue One April 1989 (download) 38. Kris Gietkowski - A Visit to Newport Hospital - color vinyl LP -
Lord Litterrenegade of culture Archives
December 2019