I recently had an ongoing Email exchange with Anton Barbeau where we talked about what being on Facebook does to you. One of his comments "... the red "like" of FB etc does take something away. Not just time, but focus and clear-thinking." (Yes he struggles to get away from the vicious circle) I'm totally sure (and other *official* investigations proved that) being on FB dominates your way of communication - and communication is living. Being on FB and being a vivid member of EC the way you want it is kind of opposing. With every *I like* click a whole *communication* is done on FB. On Electronic Cottage one needs to think, research, work, act, react, reconsider, etc etc etc. All this is very unwanted in *Social Media* land. 43 of 55 EC Community members being on Facebook is the majority. It's a miracle EC works at all.
I'm spreading the following with every mail: >> Social Media 2019 After recent events ... Social Media became the driving force on planet earth for Death, Destruction, Hate, Lies, Racism, Fascism, Homophobia and many more society corroding effects. All this is based on a system that works with addiction of the individual partaker. Addiction caused by structures, that use the longing of the human psyche. For example, "Likes" in Facebook use the longing of the humans for appreciation. After a while the call of the "Likes" becomes your heroin. The only argument pro Social Media I often hear is "I can keep in touch with my loved ones". There are so many ways on the modern internet to keep in touch, without feeding a system that a pro life person simply can't like to support. Every move within the Social Media structure, every message, every smiley, every click supports a system that became the driving force on Planet Earth for Death, Destruction, Hate, Lies, Racism, Fascism, Homophobia and many more society corroding effects...makes it stronger, tighter. I imagine a world where all these people would work on small personal networks, where are (all ) these people keep in touch with their loved ones. Systems where you really only are in touch with the selected loved ones you choose. I really wonder how much all the already obvious disastrous effects of Social Media have to increase before people will even start to learn. I'm not spreading Social Media links via my network.
C. Goff III
4/29/2019 18:35:34
As too many of you already know, I've never used Falsebook or Tweeter or Instangram or Etc., so I can't speak from first hand experience how many social ills are bred in those ovens. But as bad as the "like" option might be for the human race, I'm guessing that the "not like" option spreads even more hate than the "like" option does. Either way, there's a few people getting very wealthy from all this microwaved interaction, and they're gonna try to force everybody to want it until we strays are stampeded into an optionless corral by a dizzy herd.
4/30/2019 05:19:03
Imagine a future where 3D holograms are projected into your house through the world wide web...
Chris Phinney
4/29/2019 21:16:26
Well LL you know my feelings on all this, I dont use em never have. Ha my loved ones have email or phones, I was quite shocked myself how many members of EC are on Facebook I knew a good bit were though. Thanks for the post.
Aimee Naworal
4/30/2019 17:28:37
I really admire your work "LORD" so please don't hate me for being on Facebook that would really suck <3 4/30/2019 16:29:46
I fully agree on facebook! But i gave Instagram a chance and there is nowhere near the negativity wich thrives in facebook. I think that is because Instagram is all pictures and video, none of the lame opinions people might have, and none of the hate i experienced from people i have “mutual friends” with. Instagram might have FBI surveilance too and all these negative things, but i discovered after quitting facebook, that most people dont use their phones as phones anymore (scary, i know) and they don’t answer calls and texts. I think Instagram is an ok middle ground for me, and i encourage EC people to try it and just leave facebook behind. Instagram is definately not for everyone either, but try checking it out, unlike facebook it’s easy to delete
4/30/2019 17:18:42
I can't get too mad at facebook because had I not been on it I doubt very much I would have met my husband. I have also met so many wonderful people from it as well I don't know that I would have met anywhere else.
4/30/2019 17:24:22
I don’t judge :) its not my job to be a judge. It’s my job to spread joy! You and Adam, Fyodor and Babushka give me hope that love is real.
Aimee Naworal
4/30/2019 17:26:28
I also can't spell all that well and there is no edit button like on social media ...and I forgot to check it before I clicked enter so oh well XD bite me.
4/30/2019 17:34:53
I also want you to know that I am fully against Racism, Fascism, Homophobia and people who are not get blocked from my fb account.
Lumen K
4/30/2019 17:53:36
Facebook has been an off and on addiction for me. I am able to keep up just a little bit with the lives of my friends in the experimental music world and share with others the works of artists whose works I enjoy. One interesting thing about it is the way it brings together so many diverse people in my life. That can also be dangerous, as it results in clashes.
4/30/2019 19:40:14
text is a cold medium too ....and the addictive downer
Lumen K
4/30/2019 21:40:49
I have read about the benefits of working with the soil. Natural anti-depressant, right? I believe it. I love spending time outdoors. I try to go for a nice, long walk every day. Some of my favorite sound art uses samples from nature. I should create more using such sounds and images. I love taking video of fish at aquariums. I should set this footage to sound!
Aimee Naworal
4/30/2019 22:21:24
Oh yes nature field recordings I am waiting for some loud frog noises myself, I currently have lots of water sounds.... field recording is fun!
Hal McGee
5/1/2019 01:02:29
Hello everybody, as many of you know, I myself have mixed feelings and emotions about social media, and especially Facebook. I do NOT, obviously, feel that there is anything wrong with social media per se. I created the Electronic Cottage website as an alternative to Facebook, for those who want an alternative. An alternative: without the brainwashing and mind control and addiction, without the politics and endless bickering that comes with that. And no advertising! More than that, I have wanted EC to be a COMMUNITY where we can feel safe online, where we don't need to worry about who is using our data for their nefarious reasons. It's okay with me that EC is a small community because I want it to feel like Family. For those of you who do use Facebook, I commend you for trying to find ways to make it work for you in positive ways. I think this is a good thing. Alternative-minded DIY artists have always made a habit of finding ways to use corporate-controlled media and other technology in ways that have not been intended or conceived by those corporate entities. Circuit bending and modification of toy and consumer keyboards is an excellent example. The trick is to make it work for you and not you work for it. If you can find ways to make Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram meaningful and personal, without selling your "soul", I say bravo and the more power to you. Facebook is making money from you and your data. There's nothing wrong with making money from you. It's a trade-off: you use the service for free and they try to sell stuff to you. Anyone who uses the service understands this and tacitly accepts it. Hell, if you watch TV programs they sell you products in commercials. That's how it works, right? My main beef with Facebook is that they are irresponsible and ethically-challenged, to say the least. Using your data to sell stuff to you and thereby make money is one thing: being careless with that data and selling it or allowing it to be used by criminals and hostile government entities and HATE groups is another! MY question is this: Sure, Facebook is useful, but are we so ethically blasé that we can overlook the fact that FB is being used by Hate groups?! Lord Litter is very upset because FB allowed Nazis to use FB to promote their political campaigns and there are now Nazis in the German parliament, legally-elected. I think another valid criticism of Facebook is that the entire system is et up to addict you. Anyone with with any sense in their heads understands this. Sure, it's another trade-off. Smart people understand that it goes with the territory. And most of us are smart enough to resist it, and work around it and use FB for our own positive ways. The problem is that we are overlooking that portions of the population who are less-educated, less savvy, and generally economically less-advantaged are prone to manipulation and exploitation by the addictiveness of FB. What I do NOT understand is how people who consider themselves to be politically PROGRESSIVE can turn their heads and watch this happen. These same people go on and on and on ad nauseam in their posts on FB about Trump, and Climate Change, and abuses against women and minorities, etc., but don't stop to think about the consequences of their using FB. Oh, moral and ethical relativism are fine things as long as they suits one's laziness while one posts endless garbage and brain-dead memes all day long on FB. Some people I know use FB because they think they are being clever and ironic. That's fine too, if that's your thing. Let me ask you a question: if there is a local restaurant that you enjoy going to, let's say that one day you found out that they use their profits to support Fascists and Nazis, would you continue to go there and eat just because you can't live without their yummy food? If you knew that they were lacing their food with mind control drugs, would you continue to eat their food? Yeah yeah, I know, I'm exaggerating to make a point, and some of you are going to say/think that I'm just full of shit... Here's one more thought for all of you: One of the only reasons that I personally continue to use Facebook is to promote Electronic Cottage -- promote it not only to the outside world, but to the EC Community itself. Sad but true. It seems to me that if I don't make a post on FB every time that a new article is published at EC nobody will look at the new article. For people who use FB on a daily basis there can be great value. They can keep track of the activities of family members, old and new friends and discussion groups on their fave topics and interests (for me, it's Twin Peaks!). Everything is there in one big bulletin board like format. The basic concept of FB can be beneficial! The Internet is not bad! But we really seriously need to consider the impacts and detriments of using systems that are operated by unethical people to whom we are nothing more than data.
Hal McGee
5/1/2019 01:07:20
One final thought: I understand that EC cannot fill everyone's online needs. It is limited by design. Use it for what it does best! Come here when you want to share thoughts and sounds and your art and want feedback and interaction in a safe, loving, supportive family of artists. We can talk and discuss to your heart's desire. You make EC what it is. Support your INDIE-PAIN-DANCE!
Hal McGee
5/1/2019 01:33:15
I also understand that every single one of us make ethical trade-offs each and every day. It's unavoidable. Smartphones themselves are not bad things. I use mine as a tool. I create art with it and I communicate with all of you with this iPhone and with my iMac desktop computer on which I composed my lengthy reply above. Apple does a great job of protecting me from people who want to steal my data. Their products are built to last. But I realize that Apple uses cheap overseas labor to make their products. Everything we use and touch every day is possibly tainted in some way. That synth you and I use: what ethical compromises were made to produce it? The food on your table: some being somewhere suffered to enable you to eat. It just goes on and on, endlessly. I don't think anyone should stop using Facebook if it brings them joy! We all make choices and then live by those choices! I think we all just need to pause and think about these choices. 5/1/2019 08:01:35
"... let's say that one day you found out that they use their profits to support Fascists and Nazis, would you continue to go there and eat just because you can't live without their yummy food? If you knew that they were lacing their food with mind control drugs, would you continue to eat their food? Yeah yeah, I know, I'm exaggerating ..."
Rafael González
5/1/2019 13:56:02
Hal, it's possible that everything you say is true. The extreme left groups also use FB ... everyone can use FB, for good and bad things ... like a mobile phone: you can call your mother or prepare an explosive device. What is the use of FB for me? You know ... being in touch with people around the world ... this really opens the mind too
Rafael González
5/1/2019 17:09:02
I do not want my words to be misinterpreted. I know the negative part of what is spoken here. But I do not think it's something exclusive to FB (for example). I remember the Second Gulf War. I was not in FB (I do not know if this existed). I remember all the communication media insisting that Saddam Hussein was a super villain, that he was related to Al Qaeda, that he had weapons of mass destruction and that he was a danger ... and everything was a lie or a farce (at least the reasons for the war they were others). And I believed everything. And we could not do anything, just swallow, because even if you knew the truth you could not communicate or expand because the communication media were absolutely vertical and you could only swallow. Another day I will talk about a story I read: how some citizens of Israel managed to stop a war with Iran using FB. It was an event or something similar called Israel loves Iran and we are not going to attack you, or something similar.
Evan Cantor
5/2/2019 12:21:08
Hal! If yer full of shit, well... it's good shit!
5/1/2019 01:55:43
Cut and pasted from ..post on FB.. I had surgery when this was posted on fb..
Hal McGee
5/1/2019 02:13:02
Thank you for these thoughts, Penny.
5/1/2019 04:17:00
Chris Phinney
5/1/2019 07:04:05
I work outside most of the time, not soils but paint, carpentry etc, its an art form for me 38 yrs running. By myself. Therapuetic, still.
5/1/2019 07:50:59
It's really good to see that there is feedback.
5/1/2019 11:40:50
Some very interesting takes on social media here, the good and bad. My two cents below and some of this I have mentioned before but it seems in context with this post.
5/1/2019 12:15:18
"...Alternatives are generally a good idea although over time these "alternatives" can become much like their hated predecessors...!
5/1/2019 12:08:08
FB is just a means of communication.
5/1/2019 12:25:52
... no offence and totally obsequious .. BUT - I did'nt join an alternative underground to *enjoy capitalism* ..
Aimee Naworal
5/1/2019 12:33:56
I believe that was sarcasm XD
Rafael González
5/1/2019 13:46:21
I'm very sorry, but I do not agree with most of your opinions about social media. Believe me, they have their use. I do not agree either to compare EC with a social media, they are completely different and have a completely different function, from my point of view. I love EC but this is not going to stop me from using FB (for example), since the function is completely different. I love EC and... what the hell, FB too!
Neal Retke
5/1/2019 14:05:51
Regarding my relationship w/ Social media in general and FB in specific, well - As they would say, " It's Complicated " -
bonk 2.0
5/2/2019 09:10:48
ironically enough, a lot of hate groups are rapidly being deplatformed from big social media and crowdfunding sites (fb is definitely behind technologically on that) and end up making sites exactly like this one. Hate groups use the internet. They have been using the internet since way before social media.
Hal McGee
5/2/2019 09:20:04
I am actually not nearly as strident in my dislike of FB as Lord Litter is. I plan to continue to use FB for two purposes: 1) to promote EC and my personal art projects — 2) to indulge my own braindead pop culture interests in Twin Peaks. A big personal shortcoming is that I don't allow myself to have FUN fun. I need to take more personal time to indulge in my own braindead pop culture likes — and the TP World is LOADED with memes, GIFs, Funko Pops, tie-in books, music, even video games.
5/2/2019 09:50:47
And TP collector cards, of which I have more than 200
Leslie Singer
5/2/2019 10:20:54
Lucy, I’d really enjoy reading your articles and ideas if you posted them on the EC site. I know others would too as well. I’m not a FB user and I really support sites like the Electronic Cottage to keep the flame of life, liberty and the pursuit of art (to quote the legendary German film director, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, “Happiness is not always fun.”) alive!
Lumen K
5/2/2019 16:37:01
Twin Peaks is brain dead pop culture? Who knew?
5/2/2019 16:55:42
Lumen K, no one is going to leave here without my permission! You are all arrested!
Evan Cantor
5/2/2019 12:29:05
This is quite the discussion, debate, argument, analysis, or whatever and it all appears to me to be true and accurate. I disdain FB and spend as much time outdoors as possible... as a confirmed Luddite, I'm doing oil painting and playing the acoustic guitar more than anything else. What could I possibly add to this discussion? One thing: Keep Re-reading Orwell's "1984". He got it right.
5/2/2019 16:07:08
I love my "braindead" pop culture "memes" in fact I make some of those ...it's a form of absurdist art to me.... lol to each their own ....I love microblogging it's quick and easy ....somehow my personal/public account has over 1k followers on instagram ...they must find my nature photo's and creative output interesting for some strange reason ...I am still not sure how it happened besides the use of #hashtags I am going to keep doing what makes ME HAPPY which includes supporting this great website and I will also create accounts on as many websites / :alternative's as y'all want to make me aware of I have no reservations....
Rafael González
5/2/2019 16:09:57
:) LOL
5/2/2019 16:18:49
It's obvious that everyone must follow their own path(s). My opinions are mine only. I don't expect anyone here or anywhere else to think the things I do. I have my preferences and hopes and desires for this site, but I do also believe that everyone should do what makes them happy. Art and music are two of the best things out there and in here for making life more bearable. Like the title of one of my assemblages with Rafa, "Life sucks less with Art"...
5/2/2019 16:50:11
I love this title! Hal, many of us have a very similar opinion to yours ... in fact no one of us wants EC to disappear. Without EC, life sucks much more! 5/3/2019 06:00:23
where and who would we be if there was no BRAINDEAD Pop culture??
Hal McGee
5/3/2019 07:02:14
All opinions are welcome here, even if and especially if they are different than mine or different than Lord Litter's opinions. There's no way that we are going to learn from each other if we don't share our thoughts. I think that there is a bit of conflict between generations going on in the comments on this and the other HOT TOPIC right now. That's okay. But EC Community members who are younger than me need to understand that I am highly opinionated (as if you haven't noticed already). But my opinions are just that. They are MY opinions. And opinions are like assholes: everybody has one, and I am not going to apologize for my asshole. Please understand that my personal opinions are NOT condemnations of you personally, unless you perceive them that way. I love all of you and I'm glad that you're here! I am also open-minded enough to be able to value the expression of differing opinions. I always read every comment and opinion on this site. I consider and think about what everybody says. That's part of the job that I have taken on as EC Editor. I consider myself enriched after reading opinions different than mine.
5/3/2019 11:24:56
Oh the Irony of #adulting
Hal McGee
5/3/2019 11:30:34
Hang tough, Aimee! We will all be wishing you the best in your employment search!
Chris Phinney
5/3/2019 11:33:50
Leslie Singer
5/3/2019 14:29:21
Aimee, I'm so sorry to hear your latest news but you are definitely correct that the job market for you and your skill set is good. I was just in a meeting about staffing and digital marketing associates are in high demand. In the meantime, sign up for unemployment asap so you can get those benefits rolling in right away.
5/3/2019 20:31:13
Thank you that is the line of work I am looking to get into if I can. You better believe, I will put in my claim for unemployment next Friday which will be when I am officially not working, first thing that morning.
Truth be told. I have not dedicated that much time to E.C. "Social media" like fakebook is a completely different platform. I don't think the E.C. community wants to hear about every time I am playing an acoustic gig, DJing vinyl, dropping by a spoken word open mic, or even improvising noise or ambient music. That being said, perhaps my friends and family who are not part of E.C. do want to know about these gigs or events. I have read or skimmed some of the content on E.C. and enjoy listening to music or watching videos that the contributors post. Most of the time I do this, it is without comment, but that can change. The matrix is real. I am glad I do not have the internet or social media on my phone and do intend to devote more time and effort to the Electronic Cottage community. :)
Aimee Naworal
5/4/2019 02:08:20
<p style="color:red;">TEST</p>.
Aimee Naworal
5/4/2019 02:18:49
Penny and I are up late trying to find ways to make commenting on posts more creative :)
Aimee Naworal
5/4/2019 02:24:18
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ HAHAHAHAHA ♥YAY!
Aimee Naworal
5/4/2019 02:28:59
ØⱧ ₥Ɏ "ⱠØⱤĐ" ₮Ⱨł₴ ł₴ ⱠØØ₭ł₦₲ Ⱡł₭Ɇ ɎØɄⱤ ₮Ɏ₱ł₵ⱠɆ ₮ⱧⱤɆ₳Đ Ø₣ ₳ ₱Ø₱ɄⱠ₳Ɽ ₣₳₵Ɇ฿ØØ₭ ₱Ø₴₮ ₦Ø₩ ....₮ⱧɆ Ɇ₦Đ ł₴ ₦ł₲Ⱨ
Adam J Naworal
5/4/2019 09:49:12
Can't say I completely or even mostly agree with this, but I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and mindset with us, LL :D
5/6/2019 09:45:42
..there will be a another article on this where I put all on a *wider* scale ... and sure noone has to agree with what I say..
Rafael González
5/6/2019 10:06:33
This is true. All people who are against humanity must be excluded. In this I completely agree.
Adam J Naworal
5/7/2019 04:07:32
Absolutely, I am opposed to all the evils you listed as well. I suppose I just don't agree that social media as a whole is corrupt due to those presences.
Another discussion on the well-known economization of society?
Rafael González
5/12/2019 06:32:17
These machines help us a lot. Very soon it will not be necessary to learn any language. This gives me some idea ... thank you very much Judith!
5/12/2019 15:18:24
.. many thanks for some food for thought! I can sure go with it - still I think that escpecially today this discussion has to go on and the subject must not become *normal* ..
10/11/2019 17:57:19
I only signed up to FB to get a free download I used my nickname and gave a made up birthday, I hardly ever post and generally rely on texting for communication. Mainly like the ability to find long lost people and a few of the groups.
10/12/2019 05:39:41
Yes, I guess many people use FB *undercover* - and again I have to emphasize I'm not blaming anyone from the EC crew to be on FB.
Rafael González
10/12/2019 08:10:34
In Syria, Yemen, Iraq ... they don't have so many problems with social media 10/12/2019 09:04:13
I don't want to get into this kind of discussion, because that doesn't minimize the devastating effect of *Social Media* the way it is, at all.
Rafael González
10/15/2019 14:38:51
The discussions are good, if they are made in a polite and constructive way .... but ok. 10/16/2019 05:15:02
Sure - always polite and constructive! Not like too often on *Social Media* with hate and disgust. Leave a Reply. |
Lord Litterrenegade of culture Archives
December 2019